Decades of research show that ABA is an effective treatment for Autism and Developmental Disabilities. 

ABA discussed

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is an effective treatment for individuals of all ages with Autism or Developmental Disabilities. Early Intervention programs in ABA increase the likelihood a child will be successful in school and at home. Children, adolescents, and adults participating in ABA therapy show an increase in skill acquisition and a decrease in challenging behaviors. ABA has been endorsed as an effective treatment for Autism and Developmental Disabilities by The American Medical Association, The American Psychological Association, The National Institute of Mental Health, and The Center for Disease Control. ABA is a systematic assessment and treatment model that identifies and changes behaviors in a meaningful way.

Behavior Analysts believe that all behavior serves a purpose. By identifying the underlying purpose of behavior, a Behavior Support Plan can be developed. ABA is the science by which the principles of learning are applied to create behavior change. ABA relies on reinforcement to create behavior change and to teach new skills. ABA has been shown to reduce challenging behaviors including, but not limited to, tantrums, aggression, self-injury, etc. It has also been shown to effectively promote skill acquisition in areas such as communication, daily living skills, eating programs, academic skills, etc. For example, a child who screams and cries to get his mother's attention could be taught to raise their hand to more appropriately request attention. An adult can be taught to more independently brush their teeth. A child who throws a temper tantrum in the candy aisle can be taught to walk through the store quietly. By using a positive approach to teaching skills, a bond is formed between the individual, the family, and the Behavior Specialist.